Thursday, April 22, 2010

Decision Making

Tony Robbins talks about decision making in his book "Awaken the Giant Within"

The three decisions that control your destiny are:

1. Your decisions about what to focus on.

2. Your decisions about what things mean to you.

3. Your decisions about what to do to create the results you desire.

This is my interpretation -

Decisions about what to focus on

a) Every Sunday I will decide what I will be focusing this week

b) Every day, I will decide what I will be doing today

c) Every hour, I will FOCUS

Decisions about what things mean to you

a) When "bad past" disturbs me, I will "pause" the video, audio and feeling, and will give the incident a new empowering meaning

b) When "fear future" makes me anxious, I will "pause" the video, audio and feeling, and will give to-be incident a new empowering meaning

c) If they do not make sense to me, I will make them zero voltage

Decisions about what to do to create the results you desire

a) First I will think of the usefulness of what I desire

b) Second I will assess whether it will make me a better person or not

c) Third I will DO it.

I think I will create a Google Spreadsheet template and track key things that matter to me.

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