Sunday, January 6, 2013

In The Laps of Trees

Trees have witnessed
the time
Trees have withstood
the time
The very sight of Trees fascinate me.
It may be a very primitive, inherent desire to gaze at trees and admire.
Some how I am not able to dismiss them as 'part of the nature'.
See these trees.
They show elements of life.
They have witnessed the time.
They have withstood the time.
They have faced every day Sun, Soil, Wind
and all forms of invisible energy for long.
They take some shape beyond our understanding.
God rests in the
laps of a tree
They are among us.
Or is it other way round
- we are among them.
They point to the sky.
Probably their roots can be a more fascinating
- a brain like neural network.
If God had to rest, it could be in the laps of trees.

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